Metal detecting can be a wonderful hobby, but it can also be an unexpected source of income. Although you certainly cannot plan on paying your bills with your finds, you can plan on some nice finds, which make metal detecting one of the few hobbies that can pay for itself. Many detectorists have paid for their equipment many times over with their finds.
The beach is one of the favorite spots for people who are into metal detecting. Not only are they able to find coins and jewelry, but they can enjoy their surroundings while at the beach. If your spouse feels left out when you spend a day hunting, then you owe it to them to take them to the beach. Maybe they'll love to lay on the beach or play golf while you detect.
The soft sand along the beach makes finding different kinds of treasures enjoyable. It is more like having fun than finding treasures even if there are not so many finds after a hard day's metal detecting activity. Just getting the sand beneath your feet, listening to the rumbling waves along the seashore, and the beautiful scenery is worth the trip, treasures or not.
However, if you really want to get a good start in beach metal detecting, it is best to keep these things in mind as you head to the beach...
1. Saturate the area...
With the growing popularity of beach metal detecting, many people are enticed to try the activity. It is not surprising to find many people crowded onto a small area of beach.
In this situation, competition in beach metal detecting becomes tight. This means that you probably will have a little less chance of finding treasures. It's OK.
In order to get an edge over the others, why don't you saturate a small segment of the beach or find a beach that is not quite as popular. Any beach for metal detecting is always worth visiting. Be different.
2. Do not be overly concerned about your metal detector...
Yes, the price of a metal detector cannot be underrated. Yes, metal detectors as well as their coils can be expensive. I'm not surprised that many detectorists baby their coils and try not to scratch them by keeping them too far above the sandy beach. But if you're going to the beach, this is one of the considerations. If you don't get your coil on top of the sand, you're not going to find treasure. Consider buying a coil shield. They are generally less than twenty dollars and will serve you well. Be brave.
3. If possible, avoid the common times...
Beach metal detecting is extremely popular these days. That's why a few people seem to get the best results. Truth be told, most of these are searching at times when others aren't. Your odds of finding a nice ring are much greater late in the afternoons than early in the morning. Likewise, if you can search a beach during the week when you're the only one detecting, your odds go up. Be smart.
4. Search the unusual places...
Don't follow the other detectorists. Make your own path. Search areas where you're not expected to search. Get in the storm drains, and around the showers. Search the pathways to the beach. March to the beat of a different drummer. Be creative.
Digging in the soft sand can be such a pleasure, compared to digging through roots and clay. Plan a trip to the beach and you might luck up and pay for the whole trip with one good find. Here's wishing you Good Luck and Good Hunting!
The beach is one of the favorite spots for people who are into metal detecting. Not only are they able to find coins and jewelry, but they can enjoy their surroundings while at the beach. If your spouse feels left out when you spend a day hunting, then you owe it to them to take them to the beach. Maybe they'll love to lay on the beach or play golf while you detect.
The soft sand along the beach makes finding different kinds of treasures enjoyable. It is more like having fun than finding treasures even if there are not so many finds after a hard day's metal detecting activity. Just getting the sand beneath your feet, listening to the rumbling waves along the seashore, and the beautiful scenery is worth the trip, treasures or not.
However, if you really want to get a good start in beach metal detecting, it is best to keep these things in mind as you head to the beach...
1. Saturate the area...
With the growing popularity of beach metal detecting, many people are enticed to try the activity. It is not surprising to find many people crowded onto a small area of beach.
In this situation, competition in beach metal detecting becomes tight. This means that you probably will have a little less chance of finding treasures. It's OK.
In order to get an edge over the others, why don't you saturate a small segment of the beach or find a beach that is not quite as popular. Any beach for metal detecting is always worth visiting. Be different.
2. Do not be overly concerned about your metal detector...
Yes, the price of a metal detector cannot be underrated. Yes, metal detectors as well as their coils can be expensive. I'm not surprised that many detectorists baby their coils and try not to scratch them by keeping them too far above the sandy beach. But if you're going to the beach, this is one of the considerations. If you don't get your coil on top of the sand, you're not going to find treasure. Consider buying a coil shield. They are generally less than twenty dollars and will serve you well. Be brave.
3. If possible, avoid the common times...
Beach metal detecting is extremely popular these days. That's why a few people seem to get the best results. Truth be told, most of these are searching at times when others aren't. Your odds of finding a nice ring are much greater late in the afternoons than early in the morning. Likewise, if you can search a beach during the week when you're the only one detecting, your odds go up. Be smart.
4. Search the unusual places...
Don't follow the other detectorists. Make your own path. Search areas where you're not expected to search. Get in the storm drains, and around the showers. Search the pathways to the beach. March to the beat of a different drummer. Be creative.
Digging in the soft sand can be such a pleasure, compared to digging through roots and clay. Plan a trip to the beach and you might luck up and pay for the whole trip with one good find. Here's wishing you Good Luck and Good Hunting!
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